Established in 1954, our school currently has over 1,000 students, including 70 boarders. Staff at both of the school’s campuses work closely together to deliver a unique learning experience to all students.
We are recognised as one of Queensland’s most innovative and progressive secondary schools. This reputation comes from a stimulating, well-ordered, safe and supportive environment, with a dynamic curriculum that produces quality student outcomes. Our school prides itself on key signature programs including the Apollo Program for High Achievers, STEM Academy, Trade Futures Program, Innovate Agriculture Program, Sporting Excellence Program, Instrumental Music and School Musical.
Students at Dalby State High School learn in a setting renewed by a $12 Million facilities investment over the last eight years, including a Trade Training Centre,
Languages Centre, Science Block upgrade, creation of a Dramatic Arts space and the acquisition of the former AACC farm now known as the Bunya Campus, which provides students a high-quality boarding experience.