Dalby State High School's anti-bullying policy
At Dalby State High School every person has a right to feel safe. Any person who bullies another is denying them that right. The school will not tolerate any action that undermines a person's right to feel safe and it will take whatever steps are necessary to stop such behaviour. Bullying is defined as the action of a student who attempts to exercise an improper authority or influence over another by intimidation, threats or actual physical violence, humiliation, racial vilification, the use of obscene or vulgar language or the violation of an individual's right to security of property and/or person. It is carried out to intimidate, coerce, frighten or control.
Dalby State High School implements a series of preventative actions to address bullying behaviours. Our approach to bullying and harassment is preventative through providing a positive social context for student behaviour by giving consistent messages valuing diversity, supporting constructive relationships, discouraging violence and aggression and challenging the abuse of power. We also encourage an open dialogue surrounding bullying and encourage students to be Active Bystanders when they witness bullying behaviour. We also encourage students to be Responsible Reporters and tell a trusted adult if they, or someone else, is being bullied.
Dalby State High School utilises resources from the Bullying! No Way! Website https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/ and uses STYMIE https://www.stymie.com.au/ as another means for students to report bullying, both at school and online.
Strategies to address bullying
The following strategies are included in the school to address bullying:
- A brochure on bullying/harassment is distributed to every student in the school and is the focus of discussion (PC lessons / notices/ advertising/ school newsletter) in an ongoing attempt to identify and discontinue any unwelcome, unsolicited and persistent behaviour
- Curriculum content across a number of subject areas
- Recognition and celebration of the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/preventing-bullying/national-day-of-action-against-bullying-and-violence
- STYMIE https://www.stymie.com.au/
- Regular reference to the school's core values of Respect, Learning and Safety
- Specific lessons during Pastoral Care that teach students how to be Active Bystanders and Responsible Reporters.
- Preventative support systems e.g. peer support, conflict resolution, school support personnel
- Documented, identifiable and readily available procedures for responding to bullying incidents
- Whole class/year level sessions for ongoing problems, supported by school personnel, guest speakers and variety of teaching aides
- Small group or individual support with Guidance Officer on issues like anger management, assertiveness training, positive behaviour, conflict management
- Annual review to maintain policy awareness for the total school community.
- Anyone engaged in any form of bullying or cyber-bullying as outlined above will face responsive strategies in line with the school's Behaviour Management Matrix which you can find in the Student Code of Conduct.